Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wanatirta in Indonesia

Wanatirta in central Jawa comes from Javanese which is a combination of words meaning Wana Forest and Tirta meaning Water. So Wanatirta implies Water Forest.

Geographically Wanatirta Village District of Paguyangan Brebes has no water shortages because there are many sources of water in the surrounding. Even if in other regions experiencing a long drought (no rain at all), in the surrounding of this temple will be blessed with water.

"ARCA TEMPLE". The temple is located in the west foot of Mount Slamet exactly in the middle of a coffee plantation that is protected from large trees are hundreds of years old.

he statue temple. At the beginning of the public discovered, the temple there are 7 statues (statues) but until now only 5 pieces of sculpture and even then it is damaged it is. Of the five statues are one of them is a Ganesh (Human-headed elephant), Vishnu and other are damaged.

Arca is a Hindu Temple . The temple is protected by plants. Sanatana Dharma is the 1st religion of Indonesia.

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