Monday, November 3, 2014

Dutch governor of Ceylon

Dutch governor of Ceylon - Wilhelm Falk being an audience to the Kandyan Ambassadors in 1772. A painting by Carl Frederick Reimer.
Carl Frederick Reimer, a German from Königsberg, in eastern Prussia enlisted with the Dutch East India Company or VOC, (Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie), as a scenic painter. Enlisted in 1767 as a common soldier, Reimer was at first posted in Colombo, Ceylon. There he was successively appointed as surgeon’s assistant (onderchirurgijn), and surveyor (landmeter) with the rank of Ensign-Engineer. Before his transfer to Batavia in 1785, he held the position of Master Builder and Supervisor of Public Works (an occupation then known as fabriek) in Colombo, with the rank of Lieutenant-Engineer. In 1789 he was assigned to a Dutch Military Commission with the rank of Major to assist in the inspection of VOC fortresses and defence works in southern India and Ceylon, and thereafter in Malacca,and in various places in the Dutch East Indies.
He died in 1796.

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