Friday, October 17, 2014

Additive manufacturing technology can print using plastic, paste or concrete:

Using different modules, the "3D Modular" can print using several materials like plastic, paste or concrete.
It all started with the needs of an architecture student and the interest of an engineer who, seeing the high cost of manufacturing molds, decided to develop a 3D modular printer which uses polymers (plastic) to generate models for low-cost functional prostheses.

To develop this project, stakeholders from different disciplines and educational institutions created their own company, Maker Mex, which was incubated at the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), in the Technological Park of León, Guanajuato in the center of México.

This modular equipment has implemented several options for printing, with interchangeable modules. If the project requires printing with multiple materials, only a module is changed; the technology eliminates the need for multiple printers.

SOURCE: Phys Org
Posted by: Er_Sanch

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