Thursday, September 11, 2014

Dark Matter new candidate: "quantum flavour-mixed particles".

Dark matter (DM) constitutes about 80% of matter and 25% of the total energy density in the universe but its nature remains completely unknown. The existence of DM requires revision of the present day physics. Most likely, DM is a hypothetical particle or particles beyond the standard model.
But this new approach is related to the properties of Standard Model (SM) particles. According to this simulation SM particles may will have the property to have different flavours or masses. It remembers to the neutrino model that to is currently on tests all around the World. It postulates three different neutrino flavours (electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino and tau-neutrino) but we don't know what flavour is the heaviest and why, especially. If this neutrino property will extend to the rest of SM particles in each family, then SM will increase in a factor of three. Or if the quantum flavour-mixed particle will be between SM families, as neutrino is doing, then SM will be exactly the same and it is nowadays. To verify this last and more probable case, we will need to observe that flavour-mixed between in the leptons and quarks. But, this theoretical property was never observed in any test till the date.
The nature of dark matter is unknown. A number of dark matter candidates are quantum flavor- mixed particles but this property has never been accounted for in cosmology. Here we explore this possibility from the first principles via extensive N-body cosmological simulations and demonstrate that the two-component dark matter model agrees with observational data at all scales. Substantial reduction of substructure and flattening of density profiles in the centers of dark matter halos found in simulations can simultaneously resolve several outstanding puzzles of modern cosmology. The model shares the “why now?” fine-tuning caveat pertinent to all self-interacting models. Predictions for direct and indirect detection dark matter experiments are made.

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