Friday, August 29, 2014

(Neo-)Positivism vs. Superstitions (A Gnosticracy Manifesto)

Abstract : In this paper, we try to underline the necessity of a positive approach in the societal matters. We state that the right to education, science and fair information is an essential one, and that the crypted, noxious forms of superstitions admitted by lackings in the consistence of certain national and international legal texts have to be corrected. The discrepancies can be rationally corrected by using a knowledge-based and negotiatory approach. Institutions with perilous flaws for the societal standards have the obligation towards the society to reform their policies. The positive, educational, scientific approach will ensure an optimal human administration at all levels of the global and local affairs.

 The question of the fair informationis inscribed in many texts of legislation, in the constitutional right to reliable education, science andinformation.

Article 27.(1) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads :

"(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits."
Nowadays, the youth has become more aware of the importance of truthful information, which concerns and influences their own future. The part of the society who needs still to be convinced of the importance of progress in the global information are the supporters of "traditional" teachings, who more or less ignore it. Especially the citizens conserving different superstitions (racist, religious, esoteric, occult etc.) are vulnerable and need education, because they are subject to supplementary misinformation and competitive disadvantage.
It should be globally recognized that in older teachings, like religion, alchemy, astrology etc. there are some valuable information, but also grave errors, which have to be avoided and corrected. There is no superiority in the colour of the skin or some mystic formulas. Reason needs arguments, proofs.A moral science could help any citizen to judge using his/her reason what is true or false, good or bad. The sciences (imperfect, but perfectible) are the most needed mean to remove the "misinformation pest" of the humanity, having by this aspect the role of humanitarians of the peoples.Sorting between true and false theories is also a human right. Given the complexity of cultures, in the Universal Declaration of the Human rights, "freedom of religion" must be reformulated as "freedom of race, education and thought".
The prevention and the correction are necessary, so that the urgent misplacement of the superstitious as deluded and deluders be stopped. Conformly to Jacob Bronowski, "science is the human destiny", thereforescience is the future of the humanity. In this respect, it should be remembered the right of every citizen to dignity, decent life and truthful information. Only a correct, rational education can form the respect for the unique and irrepeatable life, whether it represents one's own life, that of other humans, or that of the rest of life on the planet Earth (minerals, plants, animals).
That is why, under the circumstances of the global eco-crisis, the humans need to be the best terrestrial administrators. Theintellectual and material treasure must be protected and managed with the most care. The human creativity is fragile, and needs the ensurance of a responsible society, which admits no neglect. Failures can happen, but correction must be always active.
As for the non-secular, superstitious associations (the associations of different cults, churches, sects etc), they have to make a reform in their education ground. They reached the degree of maturity and they dispose of the necessary scientific information to do this reform.Their laicisation and rationalisation (acquiringthe sense of civil responsability,classifying of the myths - supernatural, afterlife as fantasies upon which the humanity can build real theories and achievements : the voyage in the extraterrestrial space (thanks to astronomy), respectively the ressuscitation (thanks to medicine) etc., will allow them to transform in real civil associations, activatingin the fields they know and manage already (education, social assistance etc.). The laicisation of these associations type NGO will remove the stigma of fraud that these societies had to suffer in the course of the history. It will be difficult for their managers and members to reinvent themselves, but the rewards in the history of the humanity will be huge. Because it will be written : "They stopped cheating on themselves and on others. They became true citizens of the global unique and diverse humanity.".  They have the human knowledge, objectivity and positivism that will help them to solve the internal and external difficulties. And there will be no more reason for religious wars, racist conflicts, because the people will reckon that they are allied in different subfamilies of the same human terrestrial family.
The history of sciences and of civility offers a lot of proofs for the necessity of rationality and laicity. They have to be considered with most seriousness.
We annex two fragments from a Romanian ancient site, presently without domain. We hope the situation will change for better. The first comprises a citation from Euripides, the great  Greek tragedian, the second a comment of a young contemporary informatician, Marius Ignatescu from his article: "Misconceptions on evolutionism".
Because the matter of importance is to ensure the optimal evolution of all life on our Blue Planet, too much ravaged by natural and human disasters, but still resisting. It is the responsability of humans and human societies to be its best administrators.
Euripide (480-406 e.4), "Bellerofon", fragmentul 286N^2 : „Cine spune ca ar exista zei in cer? Zeii nu exista, nu exista afara daca vreunul, fiind un prost, vrea sa se foloseasca de o vorba invechita. Vedeti voi insiva, fara sa tineti socoteala de vorbele mele. Eu va arat ca tirania ucide pe multiinsusindu-si avutul lor, si, calcandjuramintele, nimicestecetatile. Si comitand toate acestea, tiranul este mai fericit decat cei ce sunt piosi cu blandete, o zi dupa alta. Vad cum cetati mici, care onoreaza pe zei, asculta de cetati mari lipsite de pietate, stapanite de numarul mai mare al lanciilor. Cred ca daca cineva, fiind inactiv, se va ruga la zei si nu va aduna cu mainile sale cele necesare vietii, pentru acela dintre voi nenorocirile crude vor coplesi darurile zeilor.”

Euripides (480-406 BCE), "Bellerophon", fragment 286N^2 :
"Who says that gods would live in the skies? Gods do not exist, they do not exist excepting the case that someone, being stupid, wants to use an oldish word. See for yourselves, without taking into account my words. I show you that tyrany kills many, appropriating to itself their wealth, and by tresspassing the oaths, it destroys the cities. And, by committing all these, the tyrant is happier than those who are pious with kindness, day after day. I see how small cities, which honor the gods, obey to big cities lacking piety, mastered by the number of spears. I think that if someone, being inactive, will pray the gods and will not gather with his hands those necessary to life, for that one among you the cruel misfortunes will over-measure the gifts of gods."
Marius Ignatescu, "Conceptii gresite despre evolutionism"
"Stiintaevolutionista este intr-o permanenta desfasurare. In acest domeniu se fac constant noi descoperiri. In acest sens, teoria evolutionista este ca toate celelalte stiinte. Stiintaincearca sa imbunatateasca in permanenta cunostintele noastre, iar in prezent, evolutia este singura explicatie pentru diversitatea vietii pe Pamant."
Marius Ignatescu, "Misconceptions on evolutionism"
"The evolutionary science is in a permanent unfolding. In this field, new discoveries are made constantly. In this sense, the evolutionary theory is like all the other sciences. The science tries to ameliorate in permanence our knowledge, and, presently, the evolution is the only explanation for the diversity of life on Earth".

Author: Ioana-Noemy Toma
Writer, manager, educator, conservationist.
26th August 2014 (225th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizen - 1789)

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