Monday, August 18, 2014

Long-term economic impact of childhood sexual abuse on survivors

Key findings include:
* 5.6 per cent of men and 6.7 per cent of women in the study said that they had experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA).
* Looking at people aged 50 to 64, 17 per cent of male and 14 percent of female survivors of CSA were out of the labour force as a result of being sick or permanently disabled. (The corresponding figures for those who had not experienced CSA were 8 and 6 per cent respectively.)
* Controlling for factors such as age and education, the gap between male survivors of CSA and other men is even greater, with CSA survivors being three times more likely to be sick or disabled.
* After controlling for factors like age and education, it is estimated that male survivors of CSA live in households where the household income is 34 per cent lower.
* Male survivors of CSA are twice as likely to be living alone compared to other men.

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