Thursday, September 26, 2013

KNOW The 10 WARNING Signals... of CANCER

EARLY Detection of CANCER Can Save Lives..
1. A Sore that does Not Heal, Changed Color, Ulcerates (start looking like ulcer) or Bleeds.

2. Unusual Bleeding or Discharge from Any Opening in the body, example, Blood in Urine, Stool (but urine also can turn a bit pink If you ate Beetroot a day before, the same is related to stool), Frequent or Heavy menstruation.

3. A Lump or Swelling that has Progressively Enlarged which May or may Not be associated with Pain.

4. Indigestion or Difficulty in Swallowing.

5. Change in Bowel or Bladder Habits CONSISTENTLY for a duration of 2-3 Months.

6. Obvious Change in Size and Texture in a Wart or Mole (those brown spots some of us has on skin.. some of them are flat and some not really).

7. Non Smoker's Cough or Hoarseness of voice that Persists for more than 2 Weeks. Smoker's Cough that becomes Intense.

8. Unexplained Tiredness and/or weight loss of 10% or more within a period of 3-6 months.

9. Persistent Pain or Discomfort in the Abdomen.

10. Unexplained fever.

Personal Notes:

Ok... Obviously Many above mentioned are Not the Signs of Cancer But they Could be a signs that something Went Wrong in your body and Surely something Should be done about it.

Say, if you have Unexplained weight loss or weight gain (and have Numbness in your fingers, hair loss) it also could be a sign that something went wrong with your Endocrine system and it should be checked via blood test:

- Thyroid hormones (2 of them, the ones which are produced by thyroid itself)

- Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland (body) hormones!!... those two produce Hormones which are In Control of Thyroid - so they should be checked too!!

- Cholesterol levels (here we got 3 options of them and u need to ask for 'wider' results)

- Atherogenic ratio (rate)!
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Also... If you have Constipation then Eat MORE FIBER in a form of Raw Salads and even Steamed vegetables and see whether you see the difference.
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Regarding Mole/ birth marks/ wart which changes in Size and Texture or even Color - DO see the doctor (oncologist).. At times it is Better to Remove this bit than be sorry later. I worked for several years as a nurse in Oncological department and we did have cancer patient who had that issue regarding that Mole/birthmark... So DO (!) pay attention to those warning signs when they change in colour, size or texture (!). And also If that birth mark is located in the area of Bra and getting Constantly Traumatized then Better to Remove it.
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Regarding Cough.. it could be Pneumonia or even signs of Tuberculosis.. so watch the signs!!

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