Friday, September 6, 2013

Exercises to do for Relaxing your self from COMPUTER Stress...

Sitting at your computer for Any period of time can be a Very Exhausting even painful, Experience. Fixating on a computer screen fatigues by overriding Natural reflexes that coordinate and align posture. Besides the logical need to vary movement, there are also ways to enhance your sitting time and Minimize Muscular Tension.

Sit on a FLAT Chair..

Most chairs are Not designed for sitting rather they are intended for Appearance and for stacking.. When selecting a chair, notice the Seat. Avoid bucket seats that form a hollow, as this does Not offer your Pelvis a Firm Solid Placement. The pelvis is the Keystone (!) and the foundation for the rest of the Skeletal System i.e. ribs cage, spine, head plus legs and feet. A stable pelvis supports the bones and frees the psoas muscles from unnecessary tension.. A chair needs to have a Solid base of Support for the tuberosites to Balance and Rest Upon. Choose a chair with a Firm Flat Seat.

Sit with Your Weight in Front of Sits Bones..

Many people sit behind the pelvic sits bones (ischial tuberosites) curling the pelvis under thus rounding the lower back and causing the neck and head to forward thrust.. Sitting with your weight in front of the ischial tuberosites helps to give your pelvis Stability thus Supporting the Arm, Wrists and Fingers to perform motion necessary for typing.

Keep Your Feet on the Floor. - More detailed information about How to sit at your Computer is here

~Nadia (DI) 

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