Monday, August 26, 2013

Lord Warren Hastings (1754-1826)

Lord Warren Hastings (1754-1826) was the first governor-general of British India. Hastings was very much impressed and overwhelmed with Hindu philosophy:

He wrote with a prophetic and resounding pronouncement on the whole body of Indian writings:

"The writers of the Indian philosophies will survive, when the British dominion in India shall long have ceased to exist, and when the sources which it yielded of wealth and power are lost to remembrances."

(Source: Philosophy of Hinduism—An Introduction—By T. C. Galav Universal Science-Religion, p. 19).

" I hesitate not to pronounce the Gita a performance of great originality, of sublimity of conception, reasoning and diction almost unequalled; and a single exception, amongst all the known religions of mankind.."

(source: India Discovered - By John Keay p 25).

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