Tuesday, August 27, 2013

FOLATE/Folic Acid and PREGNANCY...

Having a Healthy baby means making sure You Are Healthy, too. One of the Most Important things you can do to help prevent severe Birth Defects in your baby is to get enough FOLIC ACID every day — especially Before conception and During early pregnancy. A healthy Diet is of Vital Importance(!) too throughout those days – from when you are trying for a baby to when you stop breastfeeding them. Nutritionists also recommend an Ideal option if BOTH parents stick to Very healthy eating habits for 3-6 months (!) BEFORE start trying for a baby. Reason?.. Babies Inherit GENES of Both Parents, Including health problems. So to REDUCE those chances to the minimum and Create a GOOD and Healthy environment in the Mother’s body to let that baby Develop Properly, you BOTH need to eat very Healthily before conceiving the baby, and the mother needs to do so up till she stops breastfeeding, the kid.

Folic acid is a part of the B complex of vitamins. It is vital for red blood cells and for many other cells in the body. The form of folic acid occurring naturally in food is called ‘folate’. Folate is the natural source of vitamin B9 found in various foods, most often in leafy green vegetables, dried beans, and peas.
Many studies have shown that women who get 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) daily Before Conception and During early pregnancy Reduce the Risk that their baby will be born with a severe Neural Tube Defect (a birth defect involving incomplete development of the brain and spinal cord) by up to 70%.

If you do not have enough of it from Foods, consider taking Folic Acid as Supplementation. Talk to your doctor about it. But do not count just on supplementation of it – DO consume foods which are Rich in that one.

Approximate content of Folate in foods:

- LENTILS (1/2 cup of Serving) – 180 mcg (!)…. A picture of it will be attached (please see)

- Avocado (Makhanphal) – 163 mcg (per one average fruit)

- Pomegranate (1 cup) – 107 mcg

- Brussels Sprouts (1 cup) - 94 mcg

- Broccoli (1/2 cup) – 84 mcg

- Beetroot (1/2 cup) – 68 mcg

- (New Season) potatoes (1 average) – 48 mcg

- Orange (1 average) – 40 mcg

- Blackberries (1 cup) – 36 mcg

- Strawberries (1 cup) – 35 mcg

- Celery (1 cup) – 33 mcg

- Banana (1 average) – 24 mcg

- Grapefruit (1 cup) – 24 mcg

- Pumpkin (1 cup) – 22 mcg

- Kiwi (1) – 17 mcg

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