Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ancient wonder!! Chand Baori(चाँद बावली, आभानेरी), Abhaneri(Rajasthan)

Dated: 9th century
Perhaps one of the most beautiful examples of patterns in architecture, the 9th century Chand Baori well in the Indian state of Rajasthan is the world.
Chand Baori(चाँद बावली, आभानेरी), Abhaneri(Rajasthan)
Dated: 9th century
Perhaps one of the most beautiful examples of patterns in architecture, the 9th century Chand Baori well in the Indian state of Rajasthan is the world’s deepest, extending 100 feet below the surface of the earth.
Built as a solution to chronic water supply issues in this arid region, the well has a total of 3,500 steps in 13 levels arranged in an inverted ‘V’ shape and is adjacent to the Harshat Mata temple.
The walls are so steep that when standing at the bottom, you sometimes can’t see people who are on the steps above you. It’s difficult to imagine the construction process for such a complex stone structure with the technology available at the time.
Local legend has it that ghosts built it in a single night; perhaps that accounts for its preternaturally preserved state as well.

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