Monday, June 17, 2013

Vladimir Karnachev Paintings

Vladimir Karnachev was born on March 12, 1953 in Rustavi, Georgia. From early childhood, he was very fond of drawing. Love to draw moulded gradually the future of his profession. In 1976 he entered the M. B. Grekov Art College at Rostov-on-Don, which graduated in 1980 with a diploma of the painter-designer. Already during his studies he began to exhibit his work at urban and regional exhibitions. In the 80-s years, he regularly participates in regional, republican and all-Union exhibitions. In 1989 he was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR. Since 2000, he pays more attention to the solol exhibitions (Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Birmingham).

Vladimir Karnachev is one of the few artists of modern Russia, whose paintings attract permanent interest of the most exacting European galleries. His works are two years running selected by co-coordinators of the Royal Academy of Arts in London for its summer exhibition - the most prestigious exhibition of contemporary living artists.

Vladimir Karnachev lives and works in Rostov-on-Don. He paints in oil on canvas, sometimes on paper. He is equally close to all genres of painting - still life, landscape, portrait, nude, genre. However, a special place in his work occupy the women's images. Here his painting reaches, perhaps, the maximum intensity and expressiveness.

He has written more than 600 works, among them such as "Tanais", "Old Sofa", "Touch to the Muse," "Angel", "Mashkin bicycle", "Fishing ", "Amazon", "To deceased Azov Sea is dedicated" and many, many others
It would be misleading to say that the pictures of Karnachev are easy to understand, but thanks to their high energetic effect, characteristic only for true works of art, they are admired not only by the gallery owners and collectors, but also by ordinary visitors to exhibitions and websites around the world.

In 2008, the Foundation of Culture of Russia (Rostov Branch) pays a tribute to Vladimir Karnachev awarding him a special diploma and the title of "Artist of the Year”.

He exhibited with his contemporaries:

1983. Nalchik. 1st Zone exhibition "The Land of Grain-Growers"
1984. Nalchik. 6th Zone exhibition "The Soviet South”
1987. Rostov-on-Don. "Young Artists of the Don – to orphanages"
1987. Rostov-on-Don. The Young artists of Don
1988. Moscow. All-Union Exhibition of works of young artists
1989. Rostov-on-Don. The exhibition "50 years of Rostov Organization of the Union of Artists of Russia
Rostov-on-Don. Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Russia. Regional exhibitions in different years
Moscow. Manege. Republican and All-Union Exhibitions of different years (Three works from these exhibitions were purchased by the Ministry of Culture, Russia)
1989. Gera (Germany). Exhibition of works by Soviet artists
1990. Krasnodar. Regional Exhibition "South of Russia-90". (In this exhibition, the Ministry of Culture of Russia purchased a triptych "Tanais")
1995-2001. Rostov-on-Don. Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of Russia (three exhibitions of artgroup "Green Island")
1998. Zurich (Switzerland). Exhibition - Auction “Rudolf Mangus "(All four exhibited works were sold at auction)
2007. Moscow. Exhibition of four Russian artists “Four sides of color"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "6 views on the still life"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Sonatas and Partitas"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Myth"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Great summer exhibition"
2008. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery ART L, "Figures"
2008. London (United Kingdom). Royal Academy of Arts. Summer exhibition. (Exhibited work was sold on the opening day of exposure)
2009. London (United Kingdom). Royal Academy of Arts. Summer exhibition. (Exhibited work was sold on the opening day of exposure)

Recent solo exhibitions:

Novoshakhtinsk. Three personal exhibitions in different years
2000-02. Rostov-on-Don
2003-04. Moscow. "Art-21"
2004. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery "Montmartre"
2004. Birmingham. (United Kingdom). "Number Nine the Gallery"
2005. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery “Exposition"
2006. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery “Exposition"
2007. Birmingham. (United Kingdom). "Number Nine the Gallery"
2009. Birmingham. (United Kingdom). "Number Nine the Gallery"
2009-10. Rostov-on-Don. Gallery "Champs Elysees

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