Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Virupaksha Temple, Hampi(Karnatak)

The temple has a continuous history since the 7th century CE; however, it may be even older.
At present, the main temple consists of a sanctum, three ante chambers, a pillared hall and an open pillared hall. A pillared cloister, entrance gateways, courtyards, smaller shrines and other structures surround the temple.
The nine-tiered eastern gateway, the largest at 50 meters, is well-proportioned and incorporates some earlier structures. It has a brick superstructure and a stone base. It gives access to the outer court containing many sub-shrines. The smaller eastern gateway leads to the inner court's numerous smaller shrines.
A narrow channel of the Tungabhadra River flows along the temple's terrace and then descends to the temple kitchen and out through the outer court.
The temple was ransacked by invading Muslim forces in 1565CE.

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