Monday, April 8, 2013

Paintings by Yan Yaya(1964)

YAN Ya Ya was born in 1964 to the ethnic Man group in Shaanxi, China. In 1985 Yan graduated from Gansu Northwest National Institute’s faculty of fine art, and was appointed artistic designer for Gansu Museum upon graduation. Since graduating from further courses in art with the Mural Department and Assistant Lecturer’s Advance Studies class of China’s Central Art Institute, he has been an art lecturer with the Capital University of Educator Training since.
Yan Yaya(1964—)
Born in Xi’an .Yan Yaya has won award for “China’s Best New Artist and Work in Oil Painting”. Her work Longing was featured in the 10th National Arts Exhibition. Her works have been collected by galleries, art galleries, and collectors in USA, Germany, Canada, Singapore, India, Turkey, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. She has also published works and papers in journals such as China Oil Painting, Art, Art Field, Art Survey, and Journal of Art. She attended Department of Fine Arts, Northwest University for Nationalities and the 9th Graduate Class of Department of Oil Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts.(Lot: 107)1985 : Graduated from Gansu Northwest National Institute’s faculty of fine art.

1995 : Graduated from further courses in art with the Mural Department. Central Art Institute. Awarded Work of Excellence in the National Art Exhibition of Ethnic Minorit

1997: Received good work award from “National Exhibition of New Artists and their Works” organized by the China Artists Association in Beijing Art Expo.

1998: Participated in “China Exhibition of Islamic Art Exchange” in Iran and received friendship award.

2000: Participated in “International Art Exhibition” in Turkey.

2003 : Solo exhibition “Angels of Warmth” at National Art Museum in Beijing, China.

2004: “Longing” has been selected for the 10th Annual China national Art exhibition. Same year, she achieved “The most excellent woman award” from the Central China’s Television.

2005: Solo exhibition “Angels of Warmth” oragnised by Singapore and French International Art Exchange Association.

2007: “Yaya Journeys to Pamir Mountains” organized by BaoQuTang Modern Art Gallery in Hong Kong.

2008: “Look at my eyes” was selected by“2008 Thrid Biennale Beijing China International Art”organized by the National Art Museum of China.

2009:Yanyaya’s oil painting selected by “Word trip of High Quality Works in China Mordern Fine Art——France. Solo tour exhibition “Up and Down the Mountian——Yanyaya’s oil painting works”organized by the National Art Museum of China.

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