Friday, February 22, 2013

Varaha Dwadashi

Today is Varaha Dwadashi, the appearance day of Lord Varahadeva who is the boar incarnation of Lord Krishna. He assumed the form of a boar to lift the drowning planet earth from the Garbhodaka Ocean with His tusks. The demon Hiranyaksha had thrown the planet earth into this ocean, but the Lord killed the demon and saved the earth.

vasati dasana-shikhare dharani tava lagna
shashini kalanka-kaleva nimagna
keshava dhrta-sukara-rupa
jaya jagadisha hare
"O Keshava! O Supreme Lord who have assumed the form of a boar! O Lord! The planet earth rested on Your tusks, and it appeared like the moon engraved with spots."
From Dashavatara stotra
Today is Varaha Dwadashi, the appearance day of Lord Varahadeva who is the boar incarnation of Lord Krishna. He assumed the form of a boar to lift the drowning planet earth from the Garbhodaka Ocean with His tusks. The demon Hiranyaksha had thrown the planet earth into this ocean, but the Lord killed the demon and saved the earth. 

vasati dasana-shikhare dharani tava lagna
shashini kalanka-kaleva nimagna
keshava dhrta-sukara-rupa
jaya jagadisha hare
"O Keshava! O Supreme Lord who have assumed the form of a boar! O Lord! The planet earth rested on Your tusks, and it appeared like the moon engraved with spots." 
From Dashavatara stotra

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