Thursday, February 7, 2013

The greatness of Veena

For centuries over, veena is considered as a divine instrument and playing veena is considered to be a yoga. Yagjavalkya Maharishi observed that:

Veena vadana tatvagjah Srutijaati Visarathah |

Talagjascha prayatnena mokshamargam sa gachchati ||

( salvation or liberation can be attained effortlessly by playing veena).

Darsana sparsane chasya bhoga svargapavargade |

Punito viprahatyadi patakaih patitam janam ||

Danda sambhuruma tantri kakubhah kamalapatih |

Indra patrika brahma tumbam nabhih sarasvati ||

Dorako vasukirjiva sudhamsuh sarika ravih |

Sarvadevamayi tasmad veeneyam sarvamangala ||

(That is, by seeing and touching the veena, one attains the sacred religion and liberation. It purifies the sinner, who is been guilty of killing a Brahmin. The danda, made of wood or Bamboo, is Siva, the string is Devi Uma, the shoulder is Vishnu, the bridge is Lakshmi, the gourd is Brahma, the navel is Sarasvati, the connecting wires are vasuki, the jiva is the moon and the pegs are the sun. The veena thus represents nearly all the Gods and Goddesses, and is, therefore, capable of bestowing all kinds of divine blessings, benediction and auspiciousness).

Article source : Tripura Arnavam

-KS Balasingam-
The greatness of Veena

For centuries over, veena is considered as a divine instrument and playing veena is considered to be a yoga. Yagjavalkya Maharishi observed that:

Veena vadana tatvagjah Srutijaati Visarathah |

Talagjascha prayatnena mokshamargam sa gachchati ||

( salvation or liberation can be attained effortlessly by playing veena).

Darsana sparsane chasya bhoga svargapavargade |

Punito viprahatyadi patakaih patitam janam ||

Danda sambhuruma tantri kakubhah kamalapatih |

Indra patrika brahma tumbam nabhih sarasvati ||

Dorako vasukirjiva sudhamsuh sarika ravih |

Sarvadevamayi tasmad veeneyam sarvamangala ||

(That is, by seeing and touching the veena, one attains the sacred religion and liberation. It purifies the sinner, who is been guilty of killing a Brahmin. The danda, made of wood or Bamboo, is Siva, the string is Devi Uma, the shoulder is Vishnu, the bridge is Lakshmi, the gourd is Brahma, the navel is Sarasvati, the connecting wires are vasuki, the jiva is the moon and the pegs are the sun. The veena thus represents nearly all the Gods and Goddesses, and is, therefore, capable of bestowing all kinds of divine blessings, benediction and auspiciousness).

Article source : Tripura Arnavam

-KS Balasingam-

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