Thursday, August 2, 2012

'Georges Barbier' Paintings (1882 - 1932)


French art deco illustrator. 'Georges Barbier'.
Primarily a book illustrator, he also designed fabrics, wallpapers and posters and commercial wrappings, boxes and postcards. He designed costumes and settings for several theatrical productions and for Rudolph Valentino's movie Monsieur Beaucaire. A regular contributor toLa Gazette du Bon Ton, the Journal des Dames et des Modes, FĂ©mina, Vogue, Comoedia IllustrĂ© and other journals, his illustrations were frequently reproduced in the pochoir process. His finest book illustrations were those interpreted in woodcuts by F. L. Schmied.

Biography courtesy: 'Art Deco', Victor Arwas, Harry N. Abrams, 1992.

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