Thursday, July 12, 2012

Scholarships in PhD in Nanoscience (organic/inorganic synthesis, characterization, device fabrication), Quantum Physics/Chemistry, Computational Physics/Chemistry, in POSTECH Korea

We are interested in recruiting excellent graduate students particularly from foreign countries. 
If one is eligible to be admitted to this university, I will support him/her financially. 
To this end, please send me your resume. I will reply when you are considered to be eligible. 
If you are highly qualified, we may support as a research assistant even prior to the admission to the Ph.D. program.

For a Ph.D. candidate, the wage this year is 1,180 K won per month (14,160 K won per year). 
The salary tends to increase every year. 
One needs to pay 600 K won/month (~7,200 K won per year) as stipend. However, one will get a nearly free dormitory room (33 K won/month; 400 K won/year) within five minutes walking distance from the office. 
Thus, one does not need a car and does not pay the car insurance.
Each meal costs 2.2 K won in cafeteria (or ~2,400 K won per year). Then, one may save most of the remaining 
(over 4,500 K won or about $4,000), unless you need to buy special things. At present, $1 is 1.1-1.2 K won.
Practically, most foreign people here save a substantial amount of money. If one is in difficult condition, we may increase the salary, but this is done very rarely. 

Outstanding students would be qualified for POSCO Asian Fellowship, if one is an Asian.

In my center, postdoctoral fellows receive ~29,000 K won per year, research associates, ~3,300 K won, senior research associates and research assistant/associate professors, 4,000-52,000 K won.

Applicants should submit the official English test score (minimum score: PBT 550, CBT 213, IBT 79, ITP 550, IELTS 6, TOEIC 800, TEPS 680) except for six native English speakers (Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, UK, USA).

We synthesize and characterize novel functional molecular systems which we design based on theoretical predictions using quantum theoretical calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. 
We are also interested in fabricating nanodevices, and nano sensors. 

Research Fields: Nanoscience (organic/inorganic synthesis, characterization, device fabrication), 
Quantum Physics/Chemistry, Computational Physics/Chemistry

If one is interested in our graduate program, please send me one's CV and a copy of one's transcripts.

Now in Postech this session admission are going to be over on 18th July, 2012 or October 17, 2012.
So apply with in these timelines and get the scholarship

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