Monday, June 25, 2012

Life Span:

Guru is the Karaka for Jeeva. Rahu is the karaka for Death.

The difference of Nakshatra Pada’s between Guru and Rahu will indicate the life

 If Rahu and Guru are in the same sign are in the same direction, then the person is
short lived. If friendly planets aspect Guru, then the life span will be increased.

 If Guru is hemmed between two enemy planets, then the life span will be reduced.

 If Guru is hemmed between Mangal and Rahu, then the person will die unexpectedly
due to either heart attack or vehicle accident.

 If Sani is hemmed between Mangal and Rahu, then the person will die unexpectedly.

 If Surya is hemmed between Mangal and Rahu, then the father of the native will die


There are many kinds of remedies namely

 Reciting shlokas and stotras.
 Chanting mantras.
 Conducting homa’s.
 Performing pooja for Nava Grahas.
 Performing pooja for Deities.
 Wearing precious stones.
 Wearing coloured clothes.
 Wearing talisman etc.,
 Offering Daana’s (Charity)

The remedies should be prescribed by taking into account of the level of mind of the

 If the person is a learned man (having vedic knowledge), he should be advised to
recite the shlokas, stotras or chanting mantras.

If the person is having little bit of religious ideas, he should be advised to perform

 If the person is not having any idea of religion, he should be advised to wear gem
stones or wearing coloured clothes or offering daana’s.

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