Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Has history been tampered with? All Ancient Egyptian Horoscopes contain ...

Has history been tampered with? A significant part of mediaeval literature contains astrological texts, especially astronomical tractates up until Kepler's age and even after that. 

The existence of several competing astrological schools led to the use
of lavish symbolism by mediaeval astrologers, which makes it hard to speak of unified astrological definitions.

Furthermore, each school developed its own linguistic and symbolic system.

However, we shall soon see that many countries have surprisingly enough used a more or less uniform astrological symbolic system -- for zodiacal constellations, for example. 

This can mean that astrology was born relatively recently, in the epoch
when the means of communication between the astronomers of different countries had already been developed well enough to provide for regular information exchange and a similar astrological language -- in Europe and in Egypt, for instance.

It would be expedient to remind the reader that the modern names for planets have been introduced by astrologers. The names for days of the week in such languages as English, French and German are also in direct relation to astrological concepts.

Certain allegedly 'ancient' horoscopes contain sufficient information to verify the date of the event they were supposed to glorify. Apparently, mediaeval and "ancient" chronicles refer to several spectacular solar eclipses accompanying the important events. The heavens validated thus the claim of the party that won the day and time-stamped it with an eclipse. The scholars furnished an "exact" date for such 'vanity' eclipse. Actually, to make valid reverse calculations of solar eclipses giving precise time, place, phase and duration one needs an atomic clock, a laser, a satellite, a computer and a special software suite. Once properly recalculated with the aid of modern computers and software, all the "ancient" eclipses turn out to be mediaeval - or fake.

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