Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Study says a woman's walk reflects her vaginal orgasmic history

Stuart Brody of the University of the West of Scotland, working with other colleagues in Belgium, has done a study on the relationship between a woman's gait and the history of her vaginal orgasms.
The researchers now claim they can tell the history of woman's vaginal orgasm from only observing the way she walks.
According to
, the study was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine of the International Society of Sexual Medicine and the Society for Study of Women's Sexual Health. 16 female subjects, all Belgian university students, were used in the study.
The subjects were videotaped from a distance while walking, and were asked to complete a questionnaire. The researchers then had the videotapes of the women's gait assessed by two professors of sexology and two research assistants with training in "functional-sexological approach to sexology." The sexologists chosen to assess the video tapes had no prior knowledge of the orgasmic history of the women whose gait video tapes they were assessing.
The results showed a trained sexologist could tell the history of vaginal orgasm of the subjects from their gaits, 80 percent of the time. The study also showed the sum of stride length and vertebral rotation of a woman in motion was higher for "vaginally orgasmic women."
According to Science Daily, the researchers concluded there were several possible explanations of the result, one being that a woman's anatomical features may predispose her to experience vaginal orgasm. Stuart Brody explained:
"Blocked pelvic muscles, which might be associated with psychosexual impairments, could impair vaginal orgasmic response and gait."
Stuart Brody also explained that the result could:
"...reflect the free, unblocked energetic flow from the legs through the pelvis to the spine...Besides, vaginally orgasmic women may feel more confident about their sexuality, which might be reflected in their gait...Such confidence might also be related to the relationship(s) that a woman has had, given the finding that specifically penile-vaginal orgasm is associated with indices of better relationship quality."
Science Daily quotes Irwin Goldstein, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine, commenting on the significance of findings of the study:
"Women with orgasmic dysfunction should be treated in a multidisciplinary manner...Although small, this study highlights the potential for multiple therapies such as expressive arts therapy incorporating movement and physical therapy focusing on the pelvic floor."
The researchers said the study results provided evidence in support of the belief there is a link between muscle blocks and sexual function in women. They said the study result may support the inclusion of "training in movement, studbreathing and muscle patterns into the treatment of sexual dysfunction."
The research study, according to, also found a link between vaginal orgasm and mental health.
Laura Bermann, writing in Chicago Sun-Times
, raises an interesting question on the relationship between a woman's gait and sexual function with the question: Which came first, a woman’s sensual, free walk, or her habit of reaching vaginal orgasm?
She states her opinion 
on the question:
"I think the former. A woman who walks with confidence, ease and a bit of sex appeal is likely more in tune with her sexual needs and her body, meaning that reaching vaginal orgasm is easier for her than for someone who might be more self-conscious and inhibited as she walks down the street. A woman who isn’t comfortable in her own skin outside the bedroom isn’t likely to be comfortable in the bedroom. She will likely be more inhibited and disassociated from her physical sensations during sex, all of which will complicate the process of attaining vaginal orgasm (which is notoriously harder to reach than clitoral orgasm for most women)."
Posted by
Robert Karl Stonjek

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