Tuesday, November 22, 2011


“Make sure they are master marketers.”
That really got me thinking about people in my networks who have a great brand, credentials and credibility, degrees and accomplishments–but  aren’t engaged in their own self-marketing and promotion. They are not taking the lead on branding themselves through online communities, email marketing or at least a Facebook page.
In today’s business paradigm, combining the two worlds (in-person and online) and all of the platforms that afford us free access to people all over the world is a must. With so many solopreneurs, businesses of one, consultants, authors and trainers out there, being a master marketer is about the most important skill you can  have in your toolbox as a businessperson today.
Here are 13 tools I have used to become a “master marketer.” These are proven ways to your build brand awareness and credibility and grow your relationships with your personal and professional communities.
  1. LinkedIn is the professional platform with unparalleled potential to  introduce yourself to and interact with top people in your field or related fields.
  2. Facebook is the most diverse platform for engagement and interactivity.
  3. Twitter can be a “real time” communication tool.
  4. Blogging is the best way to build Klout and authority in your area of expertise.
  5. Email marketing can help you grow relationships with your permission-based community.
  6. Article writing, either on your own blog or for other key blogs and websites, builds your credibility.
  7. Texting used properly can also be a “real time” marketing tool.
  8. Video is the best way to show people your vibe, personality and how you present yourself.
  9. Workshops brand you as an expert in your field and also give you a platform to present yourself.

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