Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Any job in this economy is a good job. However, if at all possible steering clear of stressful jobs might be to your benefit. Get the facts on the most stressful jobs out there here!
Payscale shares…
1. Financial Aid Counselor
Median annual salary: $38,000
People in this job reporting high stress: 75%
Not only does Financial Aid Counselor top PayScale’s list of most stressful jobs, it doesn’t pay that well, which can be stressful enough. As college tuition costs climb and U.S. wages remain relatively flat overall (see The PayScale Index for U.S. compensation trends), it can’t be easy to help prospective students and their parents find ways to pay for school.
2. Account Manager, Sales
Median annual salary: $61,000
People in this job reporting high stress: 73%
Account managers in sales are typically held to a sales quota by day/week/month/quarter, depending on the company. If you’re routinely not meeting that quota, not only will you likely be stressed, you could be out of a job. Job performance is measured by a number of factors, but when you’re in sales, your future at the company is pretty closely tied to how much money you’re bringing in the door.
3. Restaurant Assistant Manager
Median annual salary: $33,000
People in this job reporting high stress: 72%
Managing a busy restaurant can be rewarding, but it’s also most certainly stressful. There are employees, vendors and customers all demanding your attention. And, the long hours and low pay don’t help. The most difficult tasks for this job “may be dealing with irate customers and motivating employees,” according to The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
4. Registered Nurse
Median annual salary: $58,000
People in this job reporting high stress: 70%
The specialties and work settings for registered nurses vary greatly, but regardless of what type of registered nurse you are, the job requires that you provide both medical and emotional support for patients and their families. That’s a big responsibility. If you can handle the stress, there are plenty of jobs to go around. “Employment of registered nurses is expected to grow by 22 percent from 2008 to 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations,” according to the BLS.
5. Probation Officer
Median annual salary: $40,000
People in this job reporting high stress: 70%
Probation officers work closely with convicted criminals sentenced to probation, their families and the courts. They often have very heavy workloads, due to court-imposed deadlines, according to BLS. Some additional requirements include extensive travel, carrying a firearm or other weapon for protection and collecting and transporting urine samples for drug testing. “All of these factors make for a stressful work environment,” according to the BLS. “Although the high stress levels can make these jobs very difficult at times, this work also can be very rewarding. Many workers obtain personal satisfaction from counseling members of their community and helping them become productive citizens.”
Get the entire story at Payscale!

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