Thursday, October 27, 2011


Has your career met a standstill, or worse, is floundering? These tips will get your job back on track and propel you toward success. Take the first step to become entirely successful and read the top 3 tips here!
1. NOW!
Do things NOW! Do not procrastinate. Nothing irks a manager more than a newbie at work already showing signs of lazing or taking shortcuts. Attack your work immediately. Have a plan of attack for the work that is assigned to you.
Without procrastinating, you can finish your work much earlier. This allows you to be assigned more work. As the trust with your supervisor increases, he/she will assign you more and more important work. Make a decision now to put in place a plan for this career success factor.
2. Next Steps
Never leave a meeting without clear next steps you must complete. A date of when the work is expected to be completed by you is part of this next step. This also applies to your discussion with your supervisor. Always seek to clarify what’s needed from your end before you leave the discussion.
If you are lucky enough to be chairing any meetings or are a project leader, remember that listing the set of next steps or action plans is your responsibility. When you have clear next steps, who and when the task should be completed, you become productive. You get a career boost when you are fertile. It is one of the most straightforward career success factors to practice.
3. Notice
No, I do not mean giving notice. Notice here means being a keen observer of things around you and people. Now, it doesn’t mean being nosy and starting gossiping. Every office has its dynamics. Do not be pulled into the politics that can hurt your career at an early stage. Notice here means to observe and to take note of things. When you notice things you become more careful.
You also become better at knowing how things work in the office. You will blend in better. Notice and learn what are the norms of the industry, the ethics and the legalities. Notice the corporate culture and who is in charge. Sometimes those truly in power are those who can influence the bosses.

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