Wednesday, September 28, 2011


If you are just starting out or even a veteran of wealth building, these 3 rules will serve you well in your ventures. Get them here!

Believe that you can be Wealthy

This is the most basic rule, which most people refuse to abide by. They may express their desire of money overtly but deep within they do not believe that they deserve to have money. They have doubts. These doubts hamper the process of wealth creation like none other. Read the books provided by Health & Wealth Centre, participate in recommended wealth mentoring programs and see the role which the psychology of affluence plays in your wealth creation process.

Monitor your Earning and Expenditure Ratio

It is imperative to keep your expenditure less than your earnings. This is another rule that is so often broken. Before you start with a rebuttal, just look at your credit card statement. In fact, the world is seeing a recessionary phase right now because people choose to spend more than they earn. People chose to buy what they could not afford to pay for with the money they did not have. This trend is often blamed on excessive consumerism. But, if you observe it truthfully, it is just a matter of self-discipline. This created an immense disturbance in the world. This could create tremendous disturbance in your life and in your wealth creation plans.

Understand Money Language

Money needs to be understood. Most people never understand the basics of money and then they wonder why it never gels well with them. Financial language is different. Even if you are not a student of finance or economics, knowing some simple terms like net worth, assets, liabilities, investment, liquidity, bearish and bullish markets, simple and compound interests, etc is a good idea. Remember, money is used by all, so it is important to know how it operates. Only when you know the language of money you can know and understand what it says to you.
Get more tips from the Health and Wealth Centre!

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