Friday, August 26, 2011

Steve Jobs, Secret Sex Symbol

Steve Jobs, Secret Sex Symbol [Video]

Steve's retiring -- here's the tribute video Apple's founder deserves

Like many of you, I have been touched by Steve Jobs's retirement from Apple. But the outpouring of sentiment his transition has inspired on every part of the Internet has surprised even this crusty tech journalist, whose first real computer was a Mac Plus with a 10MB hard drive that was the envy of the neighborhood.
Meditating (as Steve would do) on the very personal relationship that so many seem to have had with a man whom they never met, I started to think about the centrality of design to the Apple Way. And how tech pundits couldn't help themselves from describing every new Apple product as "sexy."
But what about the man himself? How much did Steve's personal charisma have to do with his ability to lead, and the success of the company he founded?
So then I thought: let's give Steve the tribute video he deserves. Boom!

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